IBD BioResource – INCEPTION cohort

Study code
NBR006 / CBR147

Lead researcher
Dr Miles Parkes

Study type
Samples and data

Institution or company
University of Cambridge

Researcher type

Speciality area

Recruitment Site


Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease (CD) are chronic inflammatory bowel conditions, collectively known as Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), the cause of which is unknown.

Proposed hypotheses encompass an interaction between genetic predisposition and environmental factors. 

We propose a multi-centre prospective cohort study to enrol all new cases of IBD. The study will be designed to examine the role of diet and the gut bacteria and define variables that may predict response to therapy by integrating clinical data with stool sample collections to examine the gut microbiota (the population of gut bacteria living in our intestine).

The newly diagnosed Inception cohort will be followed up for specific outcomes such as adverse drug events, surgery, pregnancy, and disease complications including cancer. The study will generate a collaborative network of UK-based centres, to collect data on the epidemiology and outcomes of IBD via a standardised, validated web based database.

This study is organised by Dr Miles Parkes at the Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge.

For further information see here: IBD BioResource