Join the BioResource

The BioResource helps deliver health research by connecting volunteer participants to studies looking into a wide range of health conditions. More than 300,000 people have already joined, and we're proud to have supported more than 400 published studies with a huge impact on healthcare provision in this country and beyond.

Group Of People on white Background

Why join us? 

Joining the BioResource can help improve patient care and prevent others from becoming unwell because you are contributing to health research that accelerates diagnosis and treatment of various conditions.

Our current focus is inviting new volunteers from under-represented groups - particularly young people and ethnic minorities - and also patients with specific health conditions.

Find out below whether you are eligible for one of our actively recruiting programmes.

D-CYPHR school children and Dr Xand

DNA, Children + Young People’s Health Resource (D-CYPHR)

D-CYPHR is for families with children aged 0-15, and is supporting health research we hope will pioneer new treatments and create better care for children and the adults they become. Children can join from home with just some spit in a tube and a health and lifestyle questionnaire!

Find out more about joining D-CYPHR

Specific health conditions

Since 2007, the BioResource has built several large groups of patients with certain common and rare diseases to provide researchers with valuable condition-specific health data and information. We are continuing to invite new volunteers to some of our programmes, including the Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) BioResource and Immune Mediated Inflammatory Diseases (IMID) BioResource.

If you have one of these conditions and want to enquire about taking part, please contact us on

Nurse smiling at parent and child who are signing forms online on an ipad

Improving Black Health Outcomes (IBHO) BioResource  

Our newest programme aims to improve our understanding of how health conditions develop and their unique impacts on Black communities. We are inviting any individual from Black ethnic backgrounds to participate in the IBHO BioResource, with a specific focus on Sickle Cell patients.

Find out more about joining the IBHO BioResource


Nurse talking to IBHO patient, holding forms.
Watch our 2 minute video to find out what happens to your sample

The journey of a sample at the BioResource

Our short animation explains the process of how a volunteer can provide a sample, where it goes, how it's securely stored and ultimately used to support vital health research.

Take a moment to watch our short video about taking part in research

How might I be selected for a study?

Each research study sets its own eligibility criteria for the required participants. You could be selected based on variations in your DNA (genetic), your health and lifestyle profile, or demographic information such as age, weight or sex. The data and sample you provide when you join may be used, or you might be contacted about taking part in a study that requires something more, like an MRI, questionnaire or cognitive tests.

Get in touch

If you are interested in finding out more about the BioResource or if you have questions, email us at

Composite representing many diverse people

You can make a difference

  • Lack of awareness around Sickle Cell motivated Stephanie to join
  • Des joined to help improve the quality of life for individuals and help reduce health inequalities
  • Dylan has a DNA mutation and wanted to take part in research to help others
  • Georgina didn't know she could help even if she didn't have a condition
  • Head to our Volunteer Testimonials page to hear more!