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The NIHR BioResource

We provide the major, nationally accessible resource to improve healthcare and the long-term prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Our mission is to facilitate human health research and its transformation into medical practice.

We have over 200,000 consented volunteers, from the general population and patients with common and rare diseases. Having provided their samples, BioResource volunteers are willing to be recalled to participate in academic and industry-led experimental medicine and clinical research studies.

Our participants don’t take part in clinical trials but provide lifestyle, health and genetic information that speeds medical research.

NIHR BioResource is a unique and powerful resource for studying disease mechanisms and for investigating the links between genes, the environment, health and disease; enabling scientific discoveries as well as facilitating translational medicine for the benefit of patients.

Our principal funding body is the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), the nation’s largest funder of health and care research